10/04/15 Self Nourishment

This morning I sit on the deck of my house in New Mexico. The air is crisp and cool. It showered all night which made for the perfect backdrop for rest. I find it fitting and right for this to be the first place I sit to write a blog. This has been my healing place for the last five years. It has been sacred ground for me. As I stood on the deck looking down at the deer feeding on corn and I listened to the water in the pond and it all feels so peaceful. I was thankful to know I have finished my book and am beginning this blog.
I will blog about the many things that people ask me about concerning living a healthy lifestyle. I find it interesting that most people do not realize the key to sustaining a "healthy lifestyle" includes nourishing their body, mind, and soul. They tend to think it is solely dependent on food and nutrition.
I say that to say this! Take some time for yourself. Get outside and walk around. Take your shoes off and feel the grass or the dirt under your feet. You will feel more grounded. Being grounded is part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.If you are tense, scattered, short on patience, achy, tired and feeling like you can't get off this treadmill we call life then it is time for you to check in with yourself.
I understand that you "don't have time" to figure all of this out! Well, that is what I am for. I've already done the research and the work. Contact me and let's see how I can help you. It is better to employ a new friend than to feel like a burden to your old friends. You really do want to be the happiest. healthiest and most fun person that you know!! You can be that person and you will attract to yourself all that is good!
You are worth it!
Wake up and live!
