Brain Cancer-What? Vegan Food

Sooo I am cooking Vegan Blood type A food for my daughter who has been diagnosed with a nasty Grade IV Glioblastoma Multiforme. This is something I can do as I have done this for myself in my healing journey. Even my junk food animal eating friends love this dish! 

Organic Vegan Blood Type A Taco Salad

1 chopped large onion
Grapeseed oil
3 large carrots
1 large zucchini
1 container white button mushrooms
3-4 large cloves of garlic
2 cups of Quorn granules
1 cup cooked adzuki beans or black beans
1 cup Tofuti sour cream (this is non dairy)
Spices, to taste:
3 Tbls Chile powder
2 Tbls sea salt
1 Tbls pepper
1 Tbls smoked paprika
2 tsp Turmeric
1 tsp Cumin


1. In a large stainless steel dutch oven saute the onion in 2-3 Tbls of grapeseed oil

2. In the food processor chop the carrots, zucchini, mushrooms, garlic

3. Add the food processor contents to pan and saute (add a bit of water to help the process of sauteing)

4. Add the Quorn granules, adzuki or black beans, 1 cup Tofuti sour cream (this is non dairy)

5. Stir in whatever spices you'd like to your taste.

6. Simmer on the stove for about 30 min.

7. Place on top of a bed of Spinach and top with sliced avocado.
