I have had encounters with Ramen noodle eaters lately. I am not sure why except that it pushed me to write this blog. So first my soap box!
If you are an adult eating this crap. Stop it. Seriously. It is non food! Yes that's right. You wonder why you can't lose weight, have high cholesterol, high triglycerides, a fat belly, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, feel sluggish, etc etc. If you are a parent feeding this to your children then STOP IT. I don't care if they like it. Of course they do. It is packed full of salt and fat and flavor enhancers. I have had a couple of parents tell me, "But that is all my kids want to eat." So???. Be the parent. They will eat when they get hungry enough. So what if they through a fit. When they get hungry they will eat nutritious food if you put it in front of them. By the way, How do they even know about Ramen noodles? Did they go to the store and buy them??? Yes I know they are cheap but so is lettuce, kale parsley, bananas, apples, oranges,cucumbers....need I go on?
OK enough said. Here are all the reasons you should through that poison out.
This is an average depending on the brand.
One package of Ramen noodles is two serving sizes. What? But I eat the whole package.......
Each brick contain more than 8 grams of fat, about half is the artery clogging saturated fat They are fried in fat. One brand even contains 69 grams of fat.
Calories from non food Ramen is anywhere from 380-1245 per brick. Now that is non nutritious calories.
Sodium (salt- not sea salt) ranges from 1500mg-2900mg per yummy brick.
TBHQ- this is a petroleum industry byproduct used as a food preservative coating the noodles.
It takes your stomach a long time to break these noodles down. Which I guess doesn't matter since they contain no nutritional value and who doesn't love to be constipated! Right? Imagine that glob of nonfood traveling through your system. Huumm????
So then how do you cook up this scrumptious brick of cardboard? Well you might put it in the microwave in the Styrofoam container or a Styrofoam bowl. BPA is widely used in Styrofoam products. Let's heat that up to help leach out the possible carcinogen and hormone disruptor BPA!!!
I have read many research articles on the affects of Ramen noodles on people world wide. Baylor University has done a few of these studies
Bottom line is this.
They are a huge contributor to cardio-metabolic and metabolic syndrome. Even if you only eat them twice a week!!!
What is metabolic Syndrome?
It is a group of risk facts that WILL lead to heart attach, stroke, diabetes,
So ask your self these questions.
Do I want to contribute to metabolic syndrome in my children or myself?
Do you have two or more of these symptoms?
Excess weight around the waist, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or triglycerides, high blood sugar or prediabetic, brain fog. If so stop the madness and through out the bricks!
Below is a highly nutritious healthy recipe alternative to packaged Ramen noodles.
Homemade Ramen Noodles (all ingredients are organic)
1 box Soba noodles
2 quarts of chicken stock
Sea salt, granulated garlic, onion powder- all to taste
1/2 cup of finely chopped parsley and cilantro
Cook Soba noodles, sea salt, garlic powder and onion powder in Chicken stock in a pot on top of the stove. When the noodles are cooked add the parsley and cilantro.
Save the left overs in the frig and reheat on top of the stove for another quick meal. Please don't heat in the microwave. It destroys the nutritional value of food ESPECIALLY protein.
Worried about protein?
Then add cooked chopped chicken, turkey or cube up some non GMO, organic firm Tofu.
Want to add oriental flavor?
Add a Tablespoon or two of Tamari or low sodium soy sauce to the chicken broth.
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