A refreshing dip that is actually good for you!

This week I went through an old recipe box of my Aunts. I loved looking at the hand written recipes from my Aunts and Grandmother. This recipe will go under the "Almost Mema's" recipe section on my website. swainholisticsolutions.com
I took the dip recipe and made it a healthy version. Also the new version is Bali approved if you follow the Bali eating plan. Dairy free and gluten free. This recipe is refreshing and savory. It satisfies that craving for store bought sour cream dip!
Olive Dip
1  8 oz tub Tofuti Cream Cheese
1/2 C Vegenaise
1 C  Garlic stuffed green olives finely chopped
1 C pecans finely chopped
2 Tblsp olive juice
pepper to taste
Chill for at least an hour before serving
I suggest you serve it with seed crackers like, "Mary's Gone Crackers".
***Bali ingredient approved***
