Best Lotion Ever

You will love this lotion. It is organic and contains no ingredients that you can't pronounce. The recipe is fool proof. NOTE: Be patient while it thickens. You didn't do anything wrong!!! My friend and her daughter made it and took these pictures!
I have other recipes for personal care products in my book that I use everyday, "Autoimmune Saved Me". Get the hard copy or ebook on Amazon, your local bookstores, and health food stores and on my website -
 8 oz olive, coconut, jojoba or almond oil
3 oz Cocoa butter
3 oz Shea butter
6 oz DISTILLED water
6 oz Aloe Vera gel
1 oz Vegetable glycerin
1 oz beeswax
1 oz steric acid
0.2 oz citric acid
3-4 tsp Vitamin E oil
5 drops Rosemary oil

Heat on low heat all the ingredients except the Vitamin E and Rosemary oils on the stove top in a stainless steel pan.
Once melted, remove from the heat and whisk until thick (be patient)!!! Once cooled add the Vitamin E and Rosemary oils.
Keep out only about 8 oz at a time. Store the rest in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid in the refrigerator. It will last much longer if kept cold.
In addition to the above recipe I suggest always adding Lemon oil as one of the oils you add after the mixture has cooled. It is calming and anti-fungal. Other oils that smell great are Lavender, Ylang yYang and Tangerine. Anything you like really!
Oils to add for dry skin are Apricot, Lavender, sandalwood, Neroli and Avocado.
