My review of the movie, "Cuties"
I normally don't blog about movies but I was asked by a young woman to watch the film and give my thoughts on it. Since my goal with all of my coaching is to improve the health and lives of people I felt this was important. After all, our health is body mind and soul. Not just body. Here are my thoughts.
The film is French made translated into English as well as other languages. the title of the original film translates to "Cuties."
What I liked:
I did find the look inside another culture and religion (Muslim) very interesting. The movie centers around new immigrants overwhelmed with Western culture and the coming of age for a group of young girls. I also like the fact that the film shed light on the oppression of these women and how their society pressures women and girls to conform. The film also made the point that parents who don't spend enough time with their children and don't know what they are doing (especially on line or who they spend time with or what they are interested in) are really placing their children in harms way. It also showed how easy it is for a child to find porn on the web.
What I didn't like:
The film was too graphic. No one needs to see closeup shots of tween girl's private areas in underwear or short-shorts, back-sides, front-sides etc. The close up shots and the length of time held by the camera of the twerking was uncalled for. I can see why these long scenes of erotic type dancing caused people to dismiss this film as too graphic. Although the main character, Amy decides at the end of the movie not to participate in the "dancing" anymore it didn't say why. They missed the mark there. I assume she quit the dancing group because it went against her values?? It would have been a great opportunity to show dialog between Amy and her mother about their values.
My take away was this:
Yes I totally think the stealing of innocence and all of the things young girls are exposed to needs to be addressed. However, I didn't feel that this movie really got all the points across. It was very graphic in many ways. I can understand why the critics felt it was a predator/pedophile magnet. In my opinion at the end of the movie before the credits roll would have been the perfect time to present statistics and facts by the actors, adult and girls about the dangers of the internet, child trafficking, missing and exploited children, importance of parents monitoring their child's on line activity, phone usage, and choice of friends. Also what your body language, dress and verbal language say to others would have been spot on. There was an opportunity to educate and bring awareness that was missed.
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